Weekly Bulletin | 19th May

Your newsletter filled to the brim of content ideas, templates and opportunities!

Hi Girl Brand gang 👋

Welcome to your weekly bulletin, filled to the brim with all your content-creating goodies. In this edition, you can expect the May content workshop dates, May social days and your usual templates, tutorials and news.

It’s been Mental Health Awareness week this week.

I hope you have all managed to take some time to focus on your wellbeing even if that means buying your favourite drink from a local coffee shop or going on a beach walk in the sun. Remember that a refreshed mind breeds unparalleled productivity ✨

🤠 May Social Days

Don't let May bank holidays get you behind on content.

Here’s the social awareness and trending days you need to know to help create content in May.

Get ahead on your content calendar. Download it here 👈

🗓️ Your May Content Workshop schedule

Get your marketing strategy, content pillars and ideal customer persona nailed in just 90 minutes in one of our Content Workshops - free to all GB members.

We also teach you how to create content that converts and boost your sales.

More time improving your business. Less time wasted on social media.

Here’s our May dates:

  • 8th May - thanks for attending 🫶

  • 14th May - shoutout to Victoria and our new member, Helen for joining!

  • 28th May

Content Prompts 📝

Never run out of ideas! Pop these into your content calendar and take a couple of hours to write up some posts. Schedule them for every week day at the same time and you’ve got your content sorted just like that!

👉️ Post about a playlist that motivates you to get sh*t done

👉️ Do a roundup up 5 people your followers should follow to get inspired

👉️ Pose a hypothetical question to your followers. Ask them what they’d do in certain situations.

👉️ Post a poll about something that has been weighing on your mind lately

👉️ Post about an action you took to make your business more inclusive

Get our whole bank of content prompts here 👈

Content Template 👑

We’re loving sharing these templates and prompt combos and we hope you are too!

Are you sharing hacks and tips with your audience? You really should be.

This template allows you to share the hacks that have got you results because people really do care.

5 mins every morning for thought leadership 🎨

A tutorial without a video.

This is how to post thought leadership content and be ahead of the curve in your industry.

📒 Bookmark https://trends.google.com/trends/ and visit it every morning to see what’s trending around the world

🛎️ Visit https://www.google.com/alerts and set up keywords that’s relevant to your niche. I have “female founders”, “social media”, “women’s health” and “women in business”

📧 You will receive daily news stories from Google Alerts that includes your keywords

It’s the best way to stay up to date.

Top tip: Have your Gmail inbox set up as Primary, Promotion and Social to avoid being spammed!

Podcast Opportunity 🎙️

Who for? Wellness practitioners who are passionate about promoting health and wellness.

Podcast: AIM In Practice
Meet the host: Dr. Jess Reynolds

Topic: Health and Wellness

Guest qualifications: Practitioners in the health and wellness world. Authors, practitioners of all sorts, and anyone who has something to say to an audience of integrative medicine practitioners. 

Want to apply?
Fill out this form

We find podcasts to help grow your personal brand so you don't have to 😊

Trendspotting 🔍 The latest news and stories to know

Bonus: Feeling a bit techy? Read the updates from Google’s I/O 2024 summit here

We hope you enjoyed this week’s newsletter and we would LOVE if you could attend our upcoming events. Trust us when we say they make our whole week to see your smiley faces!!

Need further support? Don’t be shy to respond to this email to book a free 1-2-1 call with Emily or Rebecca. Let’s sort out your social media together!
